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Showing posts with label CHILD STORY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHILD STORY. Show all posts

August 08, 2020


 THE DAY DREAM Long ago a called Dick Whittington was working as a kitchen boy in the household of a rice merchant. Dick was grateful to have a roof over this head and food in his stomach. However , he could not helpwishing that he could be rich like his master , or even have enough money to be comfortable , like the cook and her baby. Sometimes on a summer afternoon , as Dick sat on the doorstep with his cat, watching the chicken peacking...

August 07, 2020


 THE MAGICAL PIG Up in the mountains, a long time ago,a peasent, called clod, lived with his wife, mrs. Clod.once a week, Mr. Clod would drive theirhorse and cart down to the market in the vally. Attachedto the horse's harness was a set of bells. Now mr. Clod was very fond of stew with mountain herbs. He also liked his slippers warmed for him by the fire, so that he could chang into them as soon as he reached home. Towerd evening, Mrs. Clod...