August 08, 2020



Long ago a called Dick Whittington was working as a kitchen boy in the household of a rice merchant.
Dick was grateful to have a roof over this head and food in his stomach. However , he could not helpwishing that he could be rich like his master , or even have enough money to be comfortable , like the cook and her baby.
Sometimes on a summer afternoon , as Dick sat on the doorstep with his cat, watching the chicken peacking on the threshold and listening to the cook signing a lullaby, he would daydream.
On hot day he dreamed that his cat went across the seas in a great ship and drove all the rats and mice from a big foreign place. The cat sent home a fortune in gold and jewels to her master Dick, and Dick became lord Mayor of London.
Dick Whittington shook himself awake with a sigh and set to work again, running about on the orders of the cook.
If only that dream could come true," he thought .
As everyone knows, Dick's dream did come true and the little kitchen boy became lord Mayor of london-three times.

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