August 15, 2020

About Maghi


About Maghi

When to travel Nepal for festival?Maghi festival is celebrated on the first day of the Nepali month of Magh (usually around the middle of January). On this special day, the people of the Tharu community celebrate the festival in Nepal.Tharu people from special tribes take blessings from their elders.One interesting and lovely thing is that, they donate rice and delicious food to sisters in the family and everybody eats different varieties of food during the entire day of maghi festival in Nepal.Food containing lots of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins is eaten on this festival of Nepali.If you are in the Tharu village on maghi festival, you will witness different kinds of songs and dances as well as beautifully & culturally dressed Nepali boys and girls. Family members, who may not have seen each other for a long time, exchange gifts and get, chance to meet each other; this makes the festival, one of the biggest celebrations in this community.They celebrate Maghi festival for a week in Nepal and the first day of Magh is the main day of the festival.Introduction of Maghi festivalMaghe sakranti, Maghi or Makkar sankranti are used as synonyms of this festival in Nepal. We celebrate this festival to mark an astronomical phenomenon and start eating winter food. In fact this is our celebration of the winter solstice.This festival in Nepal is celebrated exactly on the day when days get longer and nights shorter. January 14th is the day of transition when days just turns to be long.PIC – Janaki Temple in the region where Maghi festival is celebrated widelyPeople gather in groups and eat food sharing it in a big family get-together. Married daughters and grown-up sons return to their parents’ house for the festival, so this day can be regarded as a reunion day for the family (though most of the festival in Nepal has a theme of reunion as well).Apart from that, Maghi festival in Nepal is really interesting with foods, cultural dresses and much more.People basically eat a lot of root/grounded vegetables such as sweet potato. Maghi festival is also a moment when people donate food to needy people and share cooked foods with neighbors.This builds harmony among people and is an interesting side of this maghi festival celebration in Nepal. What we eat during the festival Makkar sakranti is very similar to the festivals called Tihar and Dashain, a big festival of Hindu people.Besides common food of other festivals in Nepal, people in Maghi eats refined butter, chaku, sakhhar khanda, Til ko laddu, sell roti and much more.People believe that, foods in Maghe sakranti festival in Nepal renew positivity, just like how they start the day with showers.As this is a beginning of the longer days of the year, thus brightens the mind and refreshes the will power.You could be interested to know that god-related rituals, ceremonies, and functions in Hindu families officially begin from this day, as we cannot do them before this date, religiously. We use most of the vegetarian food and soup which keeps warm as this day is believed as one of the coldest day in Nepal.Alcohol in Maghi FestivalThe only possible downside of this day is that you can’t drink alcohol because; if you do, then your fortune will be bad for the entire year. Just be vegetarian; if you eat meat on this day then you will be poor in satisfaction (if not in money or other wealth, is believed).Today is the day when you need to donate, if someone is asking donate blindly. Don’t ignore them because it might mean bad fortune once again. The fourth thing you need to do is start this day with a cold shower.If you shower today you will be clean and healthy for the year ahead. Interestingly, you have to shower just with cold water – not hot water.And don’t sit next to the fire in order to warm, yourself; instead use mustard oil to warm you up like Vaseline does.Pic – Tharu dress worn by Tharu girl, Maghi festival is widely celebrated in Nepal but famous among Tharu community After taking a shower or bath in running water like rivers or under a tap, what you need to do is donate money, warm clothes, or warm bed covers.Another thing is that, if sun is inferior in your horoscope; offer bronze metallic dishes or coins to the river. And something else that you can do in this specific day is greeting your dad’s foot – and why not, mom’s as well!These above things are historical beliefs and cultural practices, as this is the day when even gods bathe in the flowing holy rivers like Bagmati, Kankai, Ganga and many others. Have a warm and happy day of maghi, makkar sakranti or maghe sakranti.How to book this kind of festival participation?If you have friends in Nepal asks him or ask any of the tour operators. We recommend you stay for a week in the Terai region of Nepal, if you are really looking forward to this fest. The people are very welcoming and they will let you see what they will do.AccommodationYou can do a home-stay with a typical Tharu family or stay in a hotel.FoodThis is a festival so you will eat traditional food with your host family and the food will be free of cost, mostly. But you need to be flexible with what they offer.In Nepal we have a practice of accepting whatever is offered to us as a guest of honor.Other article about Nepal you might interest to read:Nepal an introEverest base camp infoKathmanduBhaktapurNational parks in Nepalmaghi festival tour in nepal nepalgrLeave a Comment on Maghi Festival in Nepal0

When to travel Nepal for festival?Maghi festival is celebrated on the first day of the Nepali month of Magh (usually around the middle of January). On this special day, the people of the Tharu community celebrate the festival in Nepal.Tharu people from special tribes take blessings from their elders.One interesting and lovely thing is that, they donate rice and delicious food to sisters in the family and everybody eats different varieties of food during the entire day of maghi festival in Nepal.Food containing lots of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins is eaten on this festival of Nepali.If you are in the Tharu village on maghi festival, you will witness different kinds of songs and dances as well as beautifully & culturally dressed Nepali boys and girls. Family members, who may not have seen each other for a long time, exchange gifts and get, chance to meet each other; this makes the festival, one of the biggest celebrations in this community.They celebrate Maghi festival for a week in Nepal and the first day of Magh is the main day of the festival.Introduction of Maghi festivalMaghe sakranti, Maghi or Makkar sankranti are used as synonyms of this festival in Nepal. We celebrate this festival to mark an astronomical phenomenon and start eating winter food. In fact this is our celebration of the winter solstice.This festival in Nepal is celebrated exactly on the day when days get longer and nights shorter. January 14th is the day of transition when days just turns to be long.PIC – Janaki Temple in the region where Maghi festival is celebrated widelyPeople gather in groups and eat food sharing it in a big family get-together. Married daughters and grown-up sons return to their parents’ house for the festival, so this day can be regarded as a reunion day for the family (though most of the festival in Nepal has a theme of reunion as well).Apart from that, Maghi festival in Nepal is really interesting with foods, cultural dresses and much more.People basically eat a lot of root/grounded vegetables such as sweet potato. Maghi festival is also a moment when people donate food to needy people and share cooked foods with neighbors.This builds harmony among people and is an interesting side of this maghi festival celebration in Nepal. What we eat during the festival Makkar sakranti is very similar to the festivals called Tihar and Dashain, a big festival of Hindu people.Besides common food of other festivals in Nepal, people in Maghi eats refined butter, chaku, sakhhar khanda, Til ko laddu, sell roti and much more.People believe that, foods in Maghe sakranti festival in Nepal renew positivity, just like how they start the day with showers.As this is a beginning of the longer days of the year, thus brightens the mind and refreshes the will power.You could be interested to know that god-related rituals, ceremonies, and functions in Hindu families officially begin from this day, as we cannot do them before this date, religiously. We use most of the vegetarian food and soup which keeps warm as this day is believed as one of the coldest day in Nepal.Alcohol in Maghi FestivalThe only possible downside of this day is that you can’t drink alcohol because; if you do, then your fortune will be bad for the entire year. Just be vegetarian; if you eat meat on this day then you will be poor in satisfaction (if not in money or other wealth, is believed).Today is the day when you need to donate, if someone is asking donate blindly. Don’t ignore them because it might mean bad fortune once again. The fourth thing you need to do is start this day with a cold shower.If you shower today you will be clean and healthy for the year ahead. Interestingly, you have to shower just with cold water – not hot water.And don’t sit next to the fire in order to warm, yourself; instead use mustard oil to warm you up like Vaseline does.Pic – Tharu dress worn by Tharu girl, Maghi festival is widely celebrated in Nepal but famous among Tharu community After taking a shower or bath in running water like rivers or under a tap, what you need to do is donate money, warm clothes, or warm bed covers.Another thing is that, if sun is inferior in your horoscope; offer bronze metallic dishes or coins to the river. And something else that you can do in this specific day is greeting your dad’s foot – and why not, mom’s as well!These above things are historical beliefs and cultural practices, as this is the day when even gods bathe in the flowing holy rivers like Bagmati, Kankai, Ganga and many others. Have a warm and happy day of maghi, makkar sakranti or maghe sakranti.How to book this kind of festival participation?If you have friends in Nepal asks him or ask any of the tour operators. We recommend you stay for a week in the Terai region of Nepal, if you are really looking forward to this fest. The people are very welcoming and they will let you see what they will do.AccommodationYou can do a home-stay with a typical Tharu family or stay in a hotel.FoodThis is a festival so you will eat traditional food with your host family and the food will be free of cost, mostly. But you need to be flexible with what they offer.In Nepal we have a practice of accepting whatever is offered to us as a guest of honor.Other article about Nepal you might interest to read:Nepal an introEverest base camp infoKathmanduBhaktapurNational parks in Nepal

Festivals in Nepal‎ > ‎ Maghe Sankranti Maghi Maghe Sankranti is the first day of month of Magh of Bikram Sambat. Magh is tenth month in the year.  Sankranti is the Sanskrit word in Eastern Astrology which refers to the transmigration of the Sun from one Rashi (sign of the zodiac) to another. In very simple word sangranti is the first day of Nepali calendar. Then obviously, there are 12 such sankrantis in a year. Makar Sankranti  is the transition of the Sun from Dhanu rashi (Sagittarius) to Makara rashi (Capricorn). In hindu Astrology the sun position during the year is divided into 12 rashis (zodiac signs). It is however, very difficult to reconcile amonst Bikram Sambat months, Zodiac months and lunar calendar's months. While the traditional Calendar is based on lunar positions, Sankranti is a solar event. So dates of all Hindu festivals keep changing as per the Gregorian calendar and so do the Makar Sangranti too.  Maghe Sangranti   Dev Ghat It is believed that Makar Sankranti is begining of new holy seasons, which ended with the start of winter. In other words, it marks the end of inauspicious phase of time which begins around mid December. It is believed that any auspicious and sacred ritual can be carried out starting from Makar sankranti day. This day marks the beginning of warmer and longer days. Simply, Makar Sankranti is end of winter and beginning of spring and harvest season. Makar Sankranti is the festival of Sun God.  Sun God is the symbol power, divinity and wisdom. Sun God is worshiped in this festival.  Maghe Sankranti is also called Maghi. Maghi is New year of Tharu Community of Nepal. Maghe Shankranti falls on the month of Magh, mid of January in Gregorian calendar. It is the first day of month of magh. According to Hindu Lunar calendar the Sun travels northwards to Makar Rashi (Capricorn).  Magh comes with an opening of new festivals and ceremonies. Makar Sankranti also marks halfway to the end of winter in Nepal.   This year Makar Sangranti falls on 15th of Janaury. In Nepali Calendar Maghi is always the first day of Magh.     How do we celebrate Makar Sangranti    We take holly bath known as Makar Snan in Holly Rivers.  The bath is made generally in tribunals (Triveni - the place where three rivers meet).  Shankhamol, the bank of Bagmati river in Patan, Dolalghat, Baraha Kshetra, Ridi, The Sachi Tirtha at Trivenighat (Panauti) and other rivers are famous for Makar bath.    Fairs are held at the bank of rivers in certain places. Kali Gandaki and Trishuli rivers at Dev Ghat (near Narayangath) in Tanahu are famous for such a fair. The Kankai River in Jhapa is very famous for holly dip for Makar Snan. People even from India come to Devghat and the Kankai river to take Holly bath during Maghe Sangranti.   There is a tradition to worship Ajima mata and  Rato Machendranath after the bath.   How do Tharu Community Celebrate Maghi Maghe Shankranti is the biggest festival of the Tharu community. They call it Maghi. All the family members come together and have a big feast for this festival. They have grand celebration of Maghi starting from the final week of the month of Paush to 3 of Magh. Tharus mark this festival as end of winter and beginning of summer. During the festival, Bhalmansa (judge giving justice), Guruwa (a person responsible for treating people) and Chiragi (guard) is selected. Bhalmansa is also called Mahato, Mahakama and Wadghar. The name of Bhalmansa is named differently in different places. Since a new individual is selected for handing over the responsibility of the village, this tradition is called Khojini and Bojhini. Tharus of Kailali, Kanchanpur, Banke, Bardiya and Dang districts celebrate Maghi as the New Year. Traditionally, Tharus make plans for the entire year during Maghi. The responsibility of each member of the family is also assigned. Moreover, while carrying out responsibilities, if any member of the family makes a mistake, the case is discussed during this festival. But discussions on such mistakes cannot take place before the festival. Even if they are not satisfied with the performance of the individual, s/he has to carry out the duties for one year. Tharus seem busy purchasing pigs, boars, ducks and hens to celebrate Maghi. They make liquor at home for this occasion. Rich Tharus buy their own pigs and boars to eat, and cut it at their homes. Poor ones comes together to buy one jointly. Tharus perform several traditional cultural shows in Maghi.     What do we eat in Maghe Sankranti   Makar Shankranti or Maghe Shankranti reminds us of some delicious food. Till ko laddu (Brown Sesame seed Fudge), Chakku (Molasys), Ghee (Clarified Butter), Tilauri. Spinich and Yam’s curry is cooked as Maghe Shankranti’s special food. A special type of Spinich called Patne Palungo specially grown in Nepal and yam (yam is Tarual in Nepali) is regarded as very important and special food of Maghe Shankranti.   People of Newari community massage their body and head with Sesame oil. Newar calls Maghe Sangranti Ghyo Chaku Sanun.    It is believed that massaging the body with Sesame oil and eating these food items i.e ghiu Chaku, Til ko Laddoo, Spinich and yam helps us become healthier and warmer during the cold weather. Some people call Maghe Sangranti ghiu chaku tarul day.    Stories behind Maghe Sankranti    Maghe Shankranti has its legend. A Merchant of Bhadgaun (now Baktapur) was doing a good business. He had good sale of sesame, but the stock never ran out. He searched for the clue. Cleaning the stock pile he found the Idol of Lord Vishnu down beneath the seeds. Then after the Idol is being worshipped as Til Madhav Idol. It is believed worshipping the idol would bring supply of food, prosperity and wealth to Bhakatapur.  It is believed that Bhismapitamaha. He was the son of river Ganga and king Santanu in the Epic Mahabharata. He had control (Ikcha Mitru) in his death. (Mahabharat is the Hindu great epic, and world’s biggest epic ever written). This is the day when Bhisma was lying in the bed of arrows all hit by Arjun and discovered the words of wisdom of life and death. It is believed people dying this day go to heaven and get to be free from the suffering of life and death and rebirth.  Maghi - The biggest festival of Tharu Community of Nepal Maghe Sangranti date 1 Magh 2072 15 Jan 2016 Festivals Bala Chaturdashi Bibaha Panchami Biswakarma Pooja Buddha Jayanti Chaite Dashain Chhath Parva Christmas in Nepal Dashain Navaratha Father's day in Nepal Gai Jatra Festival Ghatasthapana Ghode Jatra Gyalpo Lhosar Holi Indra Jatra Janai Purnima Jitiya Brata Karwa Chauth Krishna Janmasthami Maghe Sankranti Maha Ashtami Maha Shivaratri Mani Rimdu Mata Tirtha Aushi Nag Panchami Nepal Postal Day Nepali New Year Pachali Bairav Jatra Ramadan Sakela Ubhouli Saptami and Phulpati Savitri Vrata Shree Panchami Sonam Lhosar Sorha Shradha Swasthani Brata Katha Tamu Losar Teej Tihar Deusi Bhailo Songs Laxmi Puja Matra Laxmi puja method 108 names of Laxmi Laxmi's Footprint Yomari Punhi

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